About Remington

Remington brings a unique blend of book love and scientific expertise to the table. With a Bachelor's degree in Biology and Psychology, and a minor in Neuroscience from the University of St. Thomas in Houston, she's not just any book blogger; she's one with a solid foundation in science. This unique background makes her blog, Paging Remington, a standout spot for those who love books and are curious about the science behind the stories. She offers readers insight that bridge the gap between literature and the scientific world.


Here, Remington dives into book reviews with the keen eye of a scientist and the heart of a true bibliophile. Her passion for science, medicine, Taylor Swift, her cat, and her two dogs, enriches her writing.


Paging Remington isn't just a blog; it's a community where science meets fiction and where readers can share their thoughts on a wide array of bookish topics.


Follow her journey and join the conversation by clicking on the social media icons to the right.